Dealing with Climate Change Anxiety? Essential Advice for Coping

Written by Penny Martin

Climate change is a real, present crisis and one we're going to have to deal with for many years to come. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) points out that weather and geography patterns have changed dramatically in the last two years alone. This impacts our everyday lives and well-being. If you're feeling stressed about all these changes, we understand. That’s why Dr. Sharon Deem has offered me space to share some tips to help you deal with climate change-related stress. Let's dive right into it.


Relieving Climate-Related Anxiety


If you're feeling anxious or stressed about the climate, it will be critical you take steps to relieve these feelings. After all, environmental issues aren’t going away, and you can't live a life rooted in constant stress. You can get relief for your climate anxiety by being proactive.

Starting an eco-friendly business is one idea. If you go this route, start by nailing down the basics like coming up with a marketing campaign that includes a newsletter. This is a great way to get your message out there! If you aren’t sure where to start, begin in Word, then save your newsletter as a PDF. Then share it on social media!


Fighting your anxiety will include lots of mindfulness practices to help you better appreciate the present. Meditation, journaling, walking instead of driving to run errands, and gratitude practices will all help you achieve this.


Research has shown that physical activities like yoga and other sports are highly effective in reducing stress. Regular physical activity has many benefits, both mental and physical. Good for your health and the planet’s health.


Starting A Nonprofit


It can be challenging to watch climate change unfold as a bystander, but feel powerless to do anything. That's why starting a nonprofit might be a great option, as it will ensure that you're making a difference towards this cause you care so much about. If you've set up a nonprofit, applying for grants and funds is easy to ensure you can take tangible action. When forming a nonprofit, you'll need to create bylaws that detail your operations and goals. This could be information on how your organizationis governed, voting, and rules on conflict of interest.


If you’re interested in aiding wildlife in coping with the effects of climate change, your nonprofit could implement a multifaceted approach that encompasses habitat restoration, species protection, and community engagement. Initiatives could include reforesting areas to create wildlife corridors, which enable animals to safely migrate to more suitable habitats as temperatures and ecosystems shift. Additionally, your organization could collaborate with local governments and agencies to establish protected areas for vulnerable species, ensuring their survival amidst changing conditions. Finally, by involving the local community in educational programs and conservation efforts, your nonprofit can foster a sense of responsibility and stewardship, empowering individuals to make choices that benefit both wildlife and the environment on which we all depend.


Adopting Eco-Friendly Habits


When it comes to climate change, we all have a responsibility to do our part in preserving our planet. We can adopt several eco-friendly habits in our everyday lives to help make a difference. The first is to turn off lights and appliances when they're not in use, which helps conserve energy and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Installing energy-efficient light bulbs is another excellent way to save electricity.


The U.S. Energy Information Administration notes that heating and cooling our homes accounts for a large portion of energy use. By making simple adjustments like setting the thermostat a few degrees lower in winter and higher in summer, we can help reduce our energy consumption. We can also save energy by using less water. This means turning the faucet off while brushing our teeth, taking shorter showers, and not watering our plants during the warmer hours of the day. There are also resources online if you want to find out more about greener cleaning practices.


Dealing with change can be stressful, but dealing with climate change, in particular, is a whole different beast. It is sure to impact our lives in ways we have thought of and have yet to consider. Be sure to incorporate the tips mentioned above — like starting a nonprofit and staying active. These actions will help you deal with the stressors associated with climate change. Do